Please tell me more about I didn’t know about Noah’s arc story being Babylonian. It’s all pagan lore anyway. What about the Rapture?

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Actually, not only the Babylonians, the Greeks also have a flood narrative in one of their creation myths. But, in The Epic of Gilgamesh, there’s a character named Utnapishtim. One of the Babylonian gods, Ea, loves him and tells him that there is going to be a flood that wipes out all of life (probably just the Euphrates and Tigris flooding, though) and tells him to build a boat and stock it with as many living creatures as he can find. Then, just like Noah, he releases birds over and over to find out when it’s safe to leave. The Rapture? That's something else. That's a purely Christian myth as far as I know. But it does have certain similarities to Hindu beliefs, of course, and scholars have always speculated that the Essenes, some of them, had spent time engaged with travelers along the Silk Road, etc. So those beliefs and myths could have sifted through from there. And the Essenes had a lot of contact with the Disciples.

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Oh TIL the Essenes. Did the lost city of Atlantis predate the flood stories?

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No, but there was no Atlantis. Plato invented Atlantis as a metaphorical comparison to the Persian Empire of the 6th Century BC. So, in that sense, Atlantis would have existed AFTER the Babylonian Empire of Gilgamesh (which was ALSO a myth).

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Wow! I had no idea you were such a scholar Alan!

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21Author

T I L !!!! 😂 You're getting your money's worth.

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Noah must have had a very fragrant and fertile poopdeck, with all those pairs of lovely beings...

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Literally a poop deck😆

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Haar....that's what I meant ✌️fat-fingered 🤓

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21Author

They needed all that compost to grow all those grapes for the wine he got drunk on later. Then God said, "Oh, Christ, is this starting all over again???"

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You funny, asnen. Me like. 😁

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Bill Cosby as Noah: "Riiight!...What's a cubit?.....Am I On "Candid Camera"?"

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Wait for the sewers to back up...

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Where can I get one of those Babylonian tablets? I'll use it to write what will surely become a best seller about the Mango Messiah's unsavory attraction to his daughter, Ivanka. Although, if it's in that bible he peddles, it must be okay.

Your illustrations are priceless. Much like your biting wit.

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I've always wondered why certain items were left off that tablet. Was it because there wasn't enough space? Is that why Leviticus was hired? You don't need Babylonians. You can scrawl on my back. I'll do the biting.

BTW, who is doing all the "liking" on our conversations? I feel like I have to perform here!!! 💃🏻

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